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Paul M ✭✭

  • Re: Lockup issue and V2.0 / V1.11

    Obsoleted by the companies product announcement. Obviously it still works if you ignore the crashing. I made the decision for the 6500 close to Dayton knowing that there was a likelihood of a new ann…
  • Re: Lockup issue and V2.0 / V1.11

    Tim I have been a supporter of your efforts and appreciate your help in mitigating my crashes, but this post is tone deaf. Let me tell you how it reads to me. "We want to get the revenue generat…
  • Re: Flex Lockup on 1.10.16

    Tim -Thanks for the reply but I am not asking for a statistically accurate answer. Many of us on this board have either owned companies or worked with companies that have had hardware/software issues…
  • Re: Flex Lockup on 1.10.16

    Tim - Can you say if there are any Alpha or Beta testers that have been having the quitting issue with 1.16, that are now using your prerelease of 2.0, and if they are experiencing the same problems?…
  • Status of 2.0 upgrades with radios that were crashing

    I was wondering if anyone that was having crashes has upgraded to 2.0? My plan is to give 2.0 a week or so before I retrieve the radio from is air conditioned resting place in the warehouse, not bein…